Cultural Tourism


Culture is the customs and beliefs that distinguish one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted through language, material objects, ritual, institutions and art from one generation to the next.

Tourism is an industry that promotes travel for a person for relaxation or enjoying leisure time. It is a short temporary movement of person to a destination outside far his place.

Cultural Tourism is one such concept which together comprises of all aspects of travel where one can learn about history, biography, lifestyle, environment, heritage, cultural arts, and festivals of a particular historical cultural place.

Cultural tourism will show us rich treasures of arts, crafts and a tradition which a civilization and is the wealth of knowledge and skills transmitted from one generation to next. It is also important for maintaining cultural diversity and helps to encourage mutual inter cultural dialogue.

ABSS is working on the project of cultural tourism with a mission to deliver memorable experiences and learning opportunities in the areas of heritage, international exchange, and humanities. According to this, we believe that Cultural Tourism is not merely a tourism visiting historical places or cultural landmarks but mutual bonding of artists, audience together with the cultural heritage monuments.

The artist himself is the mode of relating the ways of different art forms and for this the attendance of audience or the viewers who are the witness of different art forms created by the artist will together bind themselves and visit the cultural heritage places which will always be a part of total cultural tourism.

The colorful costume, the style, grace appreciation, applause will be a part of this cultural tourism.

With motivation, experimentation and operation the cultural tourism is born.


Global Harmony Fiesta-Bangkok

To encourage cultural tourism in the year 2010 Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrutik Sangh in association with Patravadi Theatre- Bangkok conducted Global Harmony fiesta showing uniqueness of Indian Performing Art.

In this biggest musical extravaganza around 250 artists with their 110 performances were selected to show their traditional culture and art forms.

In this festival of performing art all repertory styles, ethnic style, freestyle of Dance and vocal-instrumental were performed.

As Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrutik Sangh is arranging national as well as international events of performing arts, it will surely arouse artists and inspire them to come in front of the world with their art proudly.